Sostenibilità, imprese, lavoro. Una riflessione critica

Sostenibilità, imprese, lavoro
Una riflessione critica

Ebook of the Research Program
“The Organization Workshop”

edited by Enrico Cori, Luca Piero Vecchio

In recent years, sustainability has become a very relevant issue in many areas of human experience and activity. Calls for radical transformations aimed at coping with sustainability constraints originated from a variety of realms and institutions, including academia, media, political actors, business companies and others. Despite the pervasiveness of such discourse, questions such as what is the actual meaning of sustainability, and how it can be promoted, are still unresolved. This ebook proposes a critical reflection through contributions from different disciplinary perspectives (economics, organization theory, psychology, labor law), addressing sustainability’s difficulties, contradictions, and paradoxes. The goal is to help developing a better understanding of the complexity of this theme, while avoiding the risk of reducing sustainability to a mere slogan when, instead, it could become a concrete lever for change.

Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable organization, Organizational action.

Table of contents
Enrico Cori, Luca P. Vecchio, Sostenibilità, imprese, lavoro. Una
riflessione critica
Massimiliano Mazzanti, Francesco Nicolli, Obiettivi di sviluppo
Massimo Neri, Organizzazione, cittadinanza, sostenibilità
Leonardo Pompa, Miseria del digitalismo
Enrico Cori, Sostenibilità sociale, organizzazione e benessere
Luca P. Vecchio, Psicologia e sostenibilità
Iacopo Senatori, Sostenibilità e diritto del lavoro

Cori E., Vecchio L.P. (Eds.), 2023, Sostenibilità, imprese, lavoro. Una riflessione critica,, Bologna: TAO Digital Library.
ISBN: 978-88-98626-32-8

Received: 28/03/2023
Accepted: 09/05/2023
Published: 23/06/2023